
Thursday Sep 08, 2016
Your Skin, Your Health and Autoimmune Disease
Thursday Sep 08, 2016
Thursday Sep 08, 2016
I’ve had a lot of questions about skin conditions such as psoriasis and vitiligo and other chronic skin problems that are triggered by issues with the immune system.
So, I asked my guest today to talk with us about autoimmune conditions and explain how they impact our skin and overall health and what we can do about it.
My guest today is Dr. O’Bryan. He is an internationally recognized and sought after speaker specializing in the complications of Gluten Sensitivity, Celiac Disease, and the development of Autoimmune Diseases. He is the founder of www.theDr.com and the visionary behind The Gluten Summit.
Dr. O’Bryan holds Faculty positions with the Institute for Functional Medicine and the National University of Health Sciences. He has trained thousands of practitioners around the world in advanced understanding of the impact of food related disorders and the development of individual autoimmune diseases.
Today, Dr. O’Bryan is going to clear up the misbelief that autoimmune disease can’t be treated. He covers signs of autoimmune conditions, the most common triggers, and things you can start doing today to avoid your risk, or, if you already have an autoimmune condition, to start overcoming it.
Dr. Tom O’Bryan has generously offered a few free gifts for you…
2 Articles
“The Hidden Sources of Gluten Guide”
“The Conundrum of Gluten Sensitivity – Why the tests are often wrong”
Also Check out his new book The Autoimmune Fix here: http://thedr.com/book
I invite you to join the The Spa Dr. community on my website or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes so you don’t miss our upcoming shows.
1 – “If you have not done so already, I highly recommend that you get your customized Skin profile at TheSkinQuiz.com. It’s free – Based upon your answers, it will give you great tips for glowing skin and vibrant health. You can simply type in TheSkinQuiz.com into your browser and in just a few minutes you will have your own customized skin report!”
2 – “Also don’t miss out on all of the latest tips to get glowing healthy skin from the inside and out, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Pinterist and Twitter. And join the conversation!”